Income Protection insurance
Are you looking to protect your income protection against an accident, sickness or illness?
Severnside Mortgage Solutions Ltd can offer you the best possible to protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances!
Income protection cover is designed to provide you with a regular tax-free benefit if you are injured or too ill to work, resulting in a loss of earnings. Being too ill to work is likely to affect your earnings.
What this effect may be, and how soon it will happen, will depend on your personal circumstances. Income protection insurance is designed to reduce the impact of this loss of earnings.
Income Protection is designed to cover your financial commitments on a monthly basis if you are off work due to accident, sickness or illness. It is not a nice thing to think about and we are all guilty of thinking "that won’t happen to me", but we probably all know someone that has been off work long term before the end of their mortgage.
In this situation, any savings you have would be eaten up quite quickly when you consider how much you spend each month on your financial commitments, bills and feeding the family.
Whilst generally the level of cover you can have is linked to your earnings, some cover is also available if you’re a House person too.
Under an income protection policy, you pay regular premiums to an insurance company and, in return, they agree that – subject to certain conditions – they will pay you a benefit if you are too ill to work.
Please Note: The plan will have no cash-in value at any time and will cease at the end of the term. If premiums are not maintained, then your cover will lapse.
Get in touch with Severnside Mortgage Solutions Ltd today and let me provide you with the best possible advice for your financial protection.